Drill results from the Caralue Bluff, Ethiopia and Burtons regolith hosted REE – Kaolin Prospects return thick, high-grade intervals of REE mineralisation in the clay rich weathering profile, significantly expanding the area of REE mineralisation at all prospects
• 478 drill holes completed, averaging 20m in depth, across the four prospects for a total of 9,805m
• Results from 198 of ~ 478 drill holes (41%) have been received by the end of the Quarter
At the Campoona PSG Project, bench top scale metallurgical tests have achieved high purity fine flake graphite suitable for purified spherical graphite (PSG) production
• Average purity of greater than 94% total graphitic carbon (TGC) with estimated recoveries of ~84%
• >98% of graphite concentrates are less than 150 m (small flake size) which is used for PSG production