• Further drill results from the Caralue Bluff and Ethiopia regolith hosted REE – Kaolin Prospects return thick, high grade intervals of REE mineralisation in the clay rich weathering profile, significantly expanding the area of REE mineralisation at both prospects
Intersections at Caralue Bluff include:
o CBAC22-207 – 30m @ 1,783 ppm TREO from 3m
o CBAC22-206 – 23m @ 1,058 ppm TREO from 7m
o CBAC22-202 – 20m @ 936 ppm TREO from 8m
o CBAC22-200 – 5m @ 1,404 ppm TREO from 11m
Intersections at Ethiopia include:
o ETAC22-038 – 5m @ 1,315 ppm TREO from 3m (-45 μm)
o ETAC22-034 – 5m @ 826 ppm TREO from 1m (-45 μm)
o ETAC22-027 – 16m @ 758 ppm TREO from 2m (-45 μm)
o ETAC22-022 – 6m @ 730 ppm TREO from 9m (-45 μm)
• At Caralue Bluff, REEs in clay now extend over an area of 10 km x 6 km and at Ethiopia REE’s in clay now extend over 1.7 km x 1.3 km
• Both prospects have a significant amount of drilling still to be reported with further extensions anticipated
• All drill results are expected by the end of July
"This batch of drill results at both Caralue Bluff and Ethiopia Prospects continue to show both the shallow nature and large extent of REE mineralisation hosted within the clay rich weathering horizon. The Eyre Peninsula in South Australia is in a very supportive mining jurisdiction with great access to transport, electricity and water infrastructure compared to more remote parts of the world"
— Managing Director Mike Schwarz
iTech Minerals (ASX: ITM) recently completed a 478-hole drill program across four prospects on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. The aim of the program was to test the potential for regolith hosted ion adsorption clay (IAC) REEs and high purity kaolin mineralisation. Recently received drill results show that significant intersections of REEs occur within the kaolin (clay) rich weathered horizon over larger areas at both Caralue Bluff and Ethiopia (Figure 1). Metallurgical work on mineralised samples confirms that an ionic component is present at Ethiopia, however, further test work will be required to test the extent to which the REEs are easily leachable. Samples from Caralue Bluff are currently undergoing leaching test work with results due in approximately 4 weeks. Further samples are being prepared for leaching test work at Ethiopia as drill results become available.
Caralue Bluff Prospect
The Caralue Prospect was initially established as a high purity kaolin prospect with the identification of thick intervals of bright white kaolin, close to surface, in several historical drill holes. Having identified significant REEs in the kaolin rich intervals at Ethiopia, Burtons and Bartels Prospects, iTech geologists suspected that Caralue Bluff might also be prospective for regolith hosted REE mineralisation. Initial drill results (see ASX Release 14 April 2022) revealed thick intervals of elevated REE mineralisation over 8 km. The latest results extend this to an area of approximately 10 km x 6 km. A total area of 12 km x 12 km was tested by drilling of 260 holes, the results of which will determine the continuity of mineralisation within this already extensive area.
Ethiopia Prospect
The Ethiopia Prospect was initially established as a high purity kaolin prospect with the identification of thick intervals of bright white kaolin, close to surface, in several historical drill holes. iTech recently released the first batch of results from 23 drill holes. The results revealed thick intervals of elevated REE mineralisation in the fine (-45μm), kaolin rich fraction (see ASX Release 18 May 2022).
In the last 3 months, 115 drill holes were completed across an area of 5 km by 3 km at the Ethiopia Prospect. Thick intervals of kaolin were visually identified over large areas in the drilling program, and selected number of holes were submitted for kaolin test work and REE analysis to test the high purity kaolin and IAC REE potential of the prospect. The Company is very pleased to receive positive results for REEs from a further 19 drill holes and will now eagerly await the results from the remaining drill holes across the prospect.