Spodumene Crystal from GMF Pegmatite 1
"From what iTech can determine, this is the first discovery of a lithium bearing pegmatite in the Reynolds Range region and given the abundant outcropping pegmatites across the >70km tenement package may be a previously unrecognised lithium province.
The team is heading back out in the field this week to sample a wider selection of pegmatites around this exciting new discovery”— Managing Director Mike Schwarz
Multiple rock chip samples from the GMF Pegmatite at Reynolds Range have returned high grade values of lithium
Significant results include
o RR24-005 – 6.50 % Li2O
o RR24-017 – 7.08 % Li2O
o RR24-018 – 6.50 % Li2O
o RR24-019 – 8.24 % Li2O*
o RR24-020 – 8.24 % Li2O*
o RR24-021 – 7.90 % Li2O
o RR24-022 – 8.22 % Li2O*
o RR24-027 – 7.23 % Li2O
• With over 60km of outcropping pegmatites interpreted on satellite imagery this has the potential to be a previously unrecognised lithium province
• The GMF pegmatite was sampled over an interpreted thickness of ~90m and has a mapped length of over 250m before disappearing under thin sandy cover to the north and south
• Preliminary identification of the lithium bearing mineral is spodumene, however, confirmation by XRD analysis is pending
• iTech is returning to the field this week to investigate the extent of lithium bearing pegmatites and newly identified copper-gold prospects across the >70km tenement package at Reynolds Range
WATCH: In this Exploration Update MD Mike Schwarz spends the day at the Reynolds Range Project, exploring the lithium potential of the region. (4min)


AGM Presentation (2024)

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