“What is particularly significant is that these results not only confirm the anticipated higher rare earth grades but the location of these holes also suggests that the potential Ion Adsorption Clay style of mineralisation is open in several directions. iTech is really looking forward to testing these areas in our upcoming drilling program.”

Beneficiated results summary:

  • ETH-033 22m @ 904 ppm TREO (-45µm) from 2m

    o   including 10m @ 1113 ppm TREO (-45µm) from 14m

  • ETH-037 18m @ 839 ppm TREO (-45µm) from 2m

  • ETH-032 12m @ 508 ppm TREO (-45µm) from 2m

  • Beneficiated results increase thickness and extent of REE mineralisation across the prospect

Unbeneficiated results summary:

  • ETH-029 returns thick, high-grade rare earth elements in preliminary, unbeneficiated samples

    o   32m @ 1038 ppm TREO from 0m

    o   including 8m @ 1687 ppm TREO from 8m

  • Enriched in high value rare earths neodymium and praseodymium (~24%) critical for renewable energy technology

  • Enriched in heavy REE (~34%)

  • Clay beneficiation is underway on multiple holes (including ETH-029). This process has increased rare earth grades by an average of 184% in previous samples


iTech Minerals has received the second batch of analytical results from resampling of historical drilling at the Ethiopia Prospect on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. The second batch includes results from both beneficiated samples that concentrate the clay fraction and unbeneficiated samples which are straight from the ground, with no processing. Both sets of results are very positive. The beneficiated samples show an increase in thickness and extent of REE mineralisation across the prospect and the unbeneficiated samples indicate continuing improvements to thickness and grade. In particular, the preliminary results from drill hole ETH-029 have confirmed iTech’s expectation of thick, high-grade rare earth elements (REE) at the end of a line of drilling. The rare earths in ETH-029 continue to display enrichment of neodymium and praseodymium(~24% Nd+Pr), which are critical in the production of permanent magnets for electric vehicles and renewable energy. Significantly, this drill hole also shows a greater enrichment of high value heavy rare earths (~34%).

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