The iTech Team in the field during a recent sampling trip at the Reynolds Range Project
Results from recent rock chip sampling at the Falchion and Sabre Prospects at Reynolds Range in the Northern Territory have highlighted substantial antimony mineralisation. The antimony mineralisation has a strong association with previously targeted low sulphidation epithermal gold veins at both prospects. Anomalous antimony and gold in rock chips, drill holes and soil surveys, across both Sabre and Falchion, suggest a single, large, shallow mineralised system extending over 6.5km by 2.5km.
— Managing Director Mike Schwarz
Significant new rock chip results:
o 12.6% Sb, 1.0g/t Au, 90g/t Ag and 4.0% Pb at Falchion
Significant previous rock chip results:
o 22% Sb, 7.0g/t Au and 1.2g/t Ag at Sabre
o 6.9% Sb, 6.8g/t Au and 3.3% Pb at Falchion
o 2.8% Sb, 0.8g/t Au and 3.2% Pb at Falchion
o 1.5% Sb, 1.0g/t Au and 3.2% Pb at Falchion
o 1.3% Sb, 1.0g/t Au and 0.9% Pb at Falchion
• 6.3km by 2.5km antimony soil anomaly defined by previous soil lag survey
• Reynolds Range tenements have had no systematic antimony exploration
[Released 23 August 2024]
Due to recent global price increases for antimony, we have received a number of questions from investors regarding the potential for this mineral at the Reynolds Range Project as well as the recent top-up placement.
In the latest 4-minute ‘Ask iTech’ MD Mike Schwarz discusses these questions. The video covers the following topics:
• The top-up placement to existing shareholders who participated in the recent capital raise and were seeking to increase their exposure.
• The recent increase in antimony prices resulting from China’s announcement of export restrictions.
• The relationship between the antimony and gold mineralisation at the Reynolds Range Project.
• iTech’s exploration plans to understand this mineralisation style.
• The timeline for the results and newsflow from further rockchip sampling programs.
iTech is continuing to undertake field mapping and sampling of gold-antimony and copper-gold prospects across the Reynolds Range Project with a view to understanding the critical controls on mineralisation and effective drill targeting. iTech is currently reviewing historical geophysical data including IP surveys to determine an effective targeting tool for antimony-gold mineralisation.
Planning for drilling the Scimitar copper-gold target is ongoing with applications for drilling approvals well advanced.
Assay results from further rock chip sampling are expected in mid-September and will be reported to the market when available.